What We Believe


Graceway strives to encourage one another to follow Jesus Christ and invite others to Him.

We are called to live out the idea of parakaleo, “to be called alongside.” As a church, we demonstrate and grow in the love of Jesus by living life together.

Our Vision

We envision a church where the worship of God and the exposition of Scripture remain central.

We envision a church that practices the love of Jesus by building relationships through small groups, accountability, shared ministry, and deeper friendships.

We envision a church that invites and welcomes everyone, serves the local community, and participates in world missions.

Our Values

  • Facilitating the heart-felt worship of God in spirit and truth with reverence in song, sermon, and celebration of the Last Supper in order that God would be glorified and we would find complete satisfaction in God alone.

  • Proclaiming and studying Scripture on both the Lord's Day and in small group settings with the conviction that all Scripture is the inspired Word of God, completely trustworthy and the authority for all matters of Christian faith and life.

  • Maintaining a humble posture of prayer both corporately and individually in order to continually engage with God in all facets of ministry and life.

  • Living out Christ's Great Commission by communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ to our local communities and through domestic and overseas missions.

  • Belonging to the community of Christ through the practice of hospitality, generosity, and service to one another.

  • Honoring God with our lives by understanding what it means to manage responsibly and also to give generously, cheerfully, and sacrificially of our talents, treasures, and time.


Presbyterians adhere to the Reformed tradition of the Protestant Reformation. Central to this tradition is the affirmation of the majesty, holiness, and providence of God who creates, sustains, rules, and redeems the world in the freedom of sovereign righteousness and love. In addition, the Protestant Reformation watchwords —grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone—embody principles of understanding that continue to guide and motivate our community as the people of God.

For more information about our denomination, please visit the Presbyterian Church (USA) website.